24 Mai

Poetry Spring Festival Lithuania 2022

Poet­ry Spring Fes­ti­val Lithua­nia 2022

Vil­nius / Litauen
Safiye Can mit dem Über­set­zer Antanas A. Jonynas 

Lithuan­ian Writ­ers’ Union address: K. Sirvy­do str. 6, LT-01101 Vilnius


24 — 30 May 2022
Poet­ry Spring Fes­ti­val with Safiye Can

Orga­nized by Lithuan­ian Writ­ers’ Union

The Poet­ry Spring Fes­ti­val (In Vil­nius and oth­er places in Lithua­nia) is the biggest poet­ry event of the year in Lithua­nia that will be held for the 58th time next year. Rich tra­di­tion com­bined with inno­va­tion engages dif­fer­ent gen­er­a­tions and audi­ences. Every year more than 100 events are being held dur­ing the fes­ti­val. The fes­ti­val will fea­ture a vari­ety of events: poet­ry read­ings, meet­ings with Lithuan­ian writ­ers, poets from oth­er coun­tries and poet­ry read­ers; con­fer­ence with round-table dis­cus­sion and poet­ry read­ing tours to var­i­ous places in Lithua­nia to name but a few.Traditional fes­ti­val anthol­o­gy will also be published.
Each year the almanac of the fes­ti­val is published.

Mar­i­ja Mažulė, Coör­di­na­tor of Inter­na­tion­al Pro­grammes, Lithuan­ian Writ­ers’ Union

May 24th 
20:00 Din­ner with the fes­ti­val guests (loca­tion will be specified)
May 25th
17:30 Din­ner with the fes­ti­val guests (Carre Terasa, Ged­imi­no ave. 9)
May 26th
14.00 Recep­tion host­ed by theMay­or of Vil­nius for the poetspar­tic­i­pat­ing in POETRYSPRING and invit­ed guests.Vil­nius Town Hall, Didžio­ji St.31, Vil­nius
18.00 Poet­ry read­ings by the guestspar­tic­i­pat­ing in POETRYSPRING. Trans­la­tors’ awardcer­e­mo­ny. The Big Hall ofLithuan­ian Acad­e­my of Sci­ences,Ged­imi­no Ave. 3, Vil­nius Read­ing 4–5 min­utes, Antanas A. Jony­nas will read the translations
20:00 recep­tion at the Lithuan­ian Writ­ers Union, K. Sirvy­do str. 6, LT-01101, Vilnius
May 27th
Road trip to Nida (Coron­ian Spit) with the group of Lithuan­ian poets, overnight stay at the Writ­ers’ and Trans­la­tors’ Cen­tre in Nida. Antanas A. Jony­nas will go togeth­er, read the translations.
19.00 POETRY SPRING in EduardasJonušas House. E. A. JonušoSt. 1, Nida
Mar­i­ja Mažulė

Coör­di­na­tor of Inter­na­tion­al Programmes

Lithuan­ian Writ­ers’ Union

Trip to Klaipė­da (50km).
14.00 POETRY SPRING in Klaipė­daDis­trict Ieva Simon­aitytė Pub­licLibrary. H. Man­to St. 25,Klaipė­da
May 29th
17.00 CLOSING CEREMONY OFTHE INTERNATIONALPOETRY FESTIVAL POETRYSPRING. Vil­nius Town Hall,Didžio­ji st. 31, Vil­nius Live on Nation­al TV LRT, read­ing 1 poem, Antanas reads the translation.
20:00 recep­tion at the Lithuan­ian Writ­ers Union, K. Sirvy­do str. 6, LT-01101, Vilnius