18 Okt.

Newspaper: Arizona Daily Sun 2017

Arizona Daily Sun, 18.10.2017

North­ern Ari­zona University

2nd annu­al Ger­man-Embassy-fund­ed GERMAN CAMPUS WEEKS. All events are free, sub­ti­tled or trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, and open to the pub­lic. The Embassy’s choice of top­ic this year, GERMANY MAKING CHOICES, brings to NAU the fol­low­ing events: a 22-poster exhib­it on the 3rd floor Riles titled INTEGRATING REFUGEES w/ self-tour open dai­ly from Oct 11–31,  a bilin­gual live-skype read­ing with a free recep­tion fol­low­ing fea­tur­ing Stuttgart author Sud­abeh Mohafez in LA 136 on Oct 18 at 4–6 pm, a Turk­ish-Ger­man kung-fu com­e­dy film titled KEBAB CONNECTION writ­ten by renowned film­mak­er Fatih Akin on Oct 27 at 7 pm in the Inter­na­tion­al Pavil­ion, and a free recep­tion pre­ced­ing a bilin­gual read­ing by vis­it­ing Offen­bach author Safiye Can in the Grand Canyon Room of the Stu­dent Union on Nov 30 , 4–6 pm with spe­cial Ger­man diplo­mat-guests. Door prizes from Ger­man Embassy at every event for attendees!
